I have done many paintings in the mosaic style. I add color and form to the painting representing different parts of my life or the world that feel incompatible and then I iteratively work to create a larger picture that harmonizes the parts.
"Sacred Geometry"
A more recent development from the Mosaic style. I draw inspiration from the forms of Sacred Geometry, but creating an open form. I try to create balance between geometric form and abstract landscape.
"Particle Accelerators and Climate Equations"
This painting represents my transition between particle accelerator science and climate science. The modeling code names and equations at the top describe dynamics for single charged particle dynamics. The bottom equation is a form of the Navier Stokes equation for fluid flow used to model the atmosphere.
"Beyond the Beamline"
Synchrotron light sources create x-rays that allow scientists to study the atomic structure of matter. This painting represents my personal journey through particle accelerators and x-ray beamlines and the desire to contextualize these tools into the larger world.
"Daily Life Ontology (1)"
Following from “Beyond the Beamline”, I started to think about the structure of our world, moving upwards from the atomic scale to the every day world.
"Daily Life Ontology (2)"
Another playful painting about ontology. Being a scientist and working with abstract mathematical objects makes me wonder about the status of those objects (Wigner function, Electric and Magnetic Field, etc.) in comparison to a leaf, a diamond or a political party.
"Thinking about Climate Change"
Climate change is upon us. Carbon dioxide emitted from burning fossil fuels prevents heat from leaving our atmosphere, resulting in increasing earth temperatures. In this painting, I provide a timeline for thinking our way through this pressing issue. Various solutions and concomitant issues are written, embedded in a complex background. From afforestation to solar and nuclear power, along with different approaches to regenerative agriculture, I represent my thought process in thinking of how humanity can find it’s way into the future.
"Carbon Cycle"
This painting continues my thinking around climate change, focusing the viewer on the Carbon Cycle. CO2 is emitted from fossil fuels into the atmosphere. Trees absorb
CO2. The particle accelerator image in the center represents the scientific process, as well as the box and mosaic shaped grid structures. When humanity focuses its attention more fully on this problem, taking it into our daily existence, we will be on our way to addressing it.
"Herman Bernstein"
This is one of my family tree style paintings based on my great grandfather, Herman Bernstein. It is a process painting, representing my learning about Bernstein and changing the schema as I go along. I paint over text as I make new decisions about how the events, books or categories relate to each other. More details about Herman Bernstein can be found in his wikipedia page https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Herman_Bernstein
"Peter Nash"
This is a painting about my father, Peter Nash. Like the Herman Bernstein painting, it is a process painting. Places he lived as well as activities are included and sometimes painted over. It represents my attempt to come to an understanding of my father, though we didn't have a close relationship and I sometimes felt I wasn't supposed to really know him very well.